Summary of the Project

“Developing VR educational tools to support class accommodation and peer-level based learning for students with dyslexia” (VR-Schooldom) is 26 months Erasmus+ KA2 project with consortium of 5 European countries: Latvia, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and Germany.

VR-Schooldom project aims at putting in place a transnational effort in providing concrete digital / technological educational tools to support teachers in delivering classes in which students with dyslexia can learn at the same level of their peers as well as interact with them on equal terms.

VR-Schooldom envisaged journey focuses on three specific scope based objectives:
- O1 Technical Scope > involve special education teachers and mainstream teachers in a training programme aimed at providing them with the required knowledge and skill to develop specific educational Virtual Reality contents applied to school subjects that are particularly difficult for students with dyslexia.
- O2 Educational Scope > involve students with dyslexia and their classmates in piloting at the local level in which the VR contents will be provided as support to the daily school programme.
- O3 Emotional Scope > involve classes in online-based soft skills activities to support the interaction of students with dyslexia and their peers (local phase).

Project’s duration expected tangible results:
- Development of a Research Report produced at Consortium level, containing training needs of special education teachers in digital & technology literacy, learning needs of students with dyslexia, as well as mapping existing offer in the frame of VR tools applied to education.
- Development of “Digital Learning and Virtual Reality for Teachers” e-learning course (R1) aimed at providing special education teachers and mainstream teachers with the proper competencies to improve their digital and technological skills and develop VR tools to be used during lessons that are tailored to the needs of students with dyslexia and usable for all students. The e- learning course will be tested at the national level in all the Countries involved in the Consortium.
- Development of the “VR-Schooldom” APP (R2) containing the VR tools developed by the teachers after being trained during the R1 pilot.
- Development of the “You&Me=Us” E-Toolkit (R3) containing a set of online-based soft skills activities to be implemented during lessons to support the interaction of students with dyslexia and their classmates.

Project’s duration expected intangible results:
- Introduction of VR tools in the school system both in distance learning and physical lessons.
- Promotion and raising awareness regarding the importance of supporting the learning process of students with dyslexia while including them in mainstream classes.
- Consolidation of cooperation framework allowing partner organizations to be active on the topic exchanging information and proposing follow-up initiatives, also with the involvement of interested stakeholders.

Consortium of the Project

Nest Berlin
Partner, Germany
Veselīgas Attīstības Skola
Coordinator, Latvia
Innovation Frontiers IKE
Partner, Greece
Partner, Italy
"D-r Peter Beron"
Partner, Bulgaria